Mobile Telephony: The Fourth Window



Published 02-11-2011
Francisco Vacas Aguilar


The development of the third generation of mobile phone networks, together with the great penetration of mobile telephony in all countries, and especially Spain, has transformed mobile phones into a fourth window of exploitation for the conventional media. However, for this market to develop a change is required in the form of working of audiovisual operators and producers, converted by the convergence effect into producers of multiplatform contents. The fact that mobile telephony is the only sector of the Information Society in which Europe is the world leader increases the need to develop this new market for the creation of new personalised contents and to situate the new producers at the same level as network operators and manufacturers. In Spain, the concession of licences for television on the mobile phone opens up a new scenario for new operators and for winning new publics through an offer differing from conventional television.

How to Cite

Vacas Aguilar, F. (2011). Mobile Telephony: The Fourth Window. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 12(23).
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