Noise in advertising: an approach to multilingualism of Televisión de Galicia's adverts



Published 02-11-2011
Benigno Fernández Alexandre Pereira Meire


In contrast to the monolingualism in Galician of its conventional programming, the advertising on Televisión de Galicia (TVG) offers a picture of bilingualism that is asymmetrical in different dimensions. The predominance of Spanish and the combinatory diversity between this and Galician are its most outstanding characteristics. In spite of advertising only occupying a discreet 11% of total broadcasting, its importance and effects at the cultural, social and economic level are more than notable. In the case under study, we analyse the reinstallation of the traditional diglossic patterns (in relation to the imbalance between orality and writing, the timetable bands and different characteristics of the station) in a general setting of distortion and confusion, a state favoured by the lack of firm rules.

How to Cite

Fernández, B., & Pereira Meire, A. (2011). Noise in advertising: an approach to multilingualism of Televisión de Galicia’s adverts. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 11(20).
Abstract 512 | PDF (Español) Downloads 336

