Basque and European journalists and press readers looking to the future of the profession. A collection of agreements and disagreements



Published 09-12-2015
Antxoka Agirre Alazne Aiestaran Beatriz Zabalondo


In this article, we are going to present the results of four analytical surveys with questions asked to press readers and journalists from the Basque Country and Europe. The questions were asked to 200 press readers in the Basque Country and 500 readers in the five most populated states in Europe. 19 professionals are from the Basque Country and 54 from Germany, United Kingdom, Italy, France and Spain. Looking to the future of Journalism we focused specially on the concordance among press readers and professionals, and we can find many significant coincidences and differences among the Basque Country and Europe.

How to Cite

Agirre, A., Aiestaran, A., & Zabalondo, B. (2015). Basque and European journalists and press readers looking to the future of the profession. A collection of agreements and disagreements. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 20(39).
Abstract 327 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 277


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