Playing «YouTubers»: digital practices to prevent gender-based violence



Published 29-05-2020
Ester Villacampa Morales
Sue Aran-Ramspott
Maddalena Fedele


Recent studies point to YouTube as a fully integrated platform in the media life of youngsters and adolescents. This research project aims to establish if YouTube can be a tool for the prevention of gender violence among
this collective. A qualitative and participatory approach is applied in two age groups of adolescents and the methodological design has an exploratory phase in which we carry out seven focus groups; an applied phase of Service Learning (APS), in which participants prepare their own pieces for YouTube; and a phase of analysis of the resulting videos.

How to Cite

Villacampa Morales, E., Aran-Ramspott, S., & Fedele, M. (2020). Playing «YouTubers»: digital practices to prevent gender-based violence. ZER - Journal of Communication Studies, 25(48).
Abstract 1770 | PDF (Español) Downloads 626



Youth, Literacy, Gender violence, Service-Learning.

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