Seven spaces map



Published 2022-12-02
Ventura Alejandro Pérez Suárez


This document proposes a cartography of seven spaces, ranked in order from smallest to largest scale. In this classification organized into seven subsections, each one of them will be denominated by its initials in Spanish. Arranged as the space for the Sky (1stC of “Cielo”), for the Land (2ndC of “Campo”), for the Cities (3rdC of “Ciudades”), for the Houses (4thC of “Casas”), for the Bodies (5thC of “Cuerpos”), for the Things (6thC of “Cosas”) and for the Sketch (7thC of “Croquis”), this stratification order allows us to formulate a discourse about how to situate and relate different sculptural and architectural proposals between the beginning of the 20th century and the present day. The objective of this article is not only to make a map of architectural and sculptural spaces, but to establish a final hypothesis with the help of that cartography. Hypothesis in which we will defend that there is a tendency to reductionism and inversions of scale, close to a new idea of discretion in architecture and sculpture.

How to Cite

Pérez Suárez, Ventura Alejandro. 2022. “Seven Spaces Map”. AusArt 10 (2).
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