The Cabanyal, between the threat and social empowerment



Published 2013-11-07
Sandra Moros Sides


This paper wants to show a neighbourhood with an important heritage and peculiar identity where has created different artistic projects close to artistic intervention and social action. However Cabanyal has a distinctive feature, the neighbourhood is threatened with destruction by local govern­ment since 1998. To that porpuse, we will analyse several projects developed in Cabanyal, like Caban­yal Portes Obertes, Cabanyal Archivo Vivo, ID#Sport-PL[US] Cabanyal (connected to Idensitat) and Left Hand Rotation’s urban action. This paper present a little cartography about different strategies developed in the same place and with a similar porpuse. These artistic practises are characteristics of social empowerment and opposite of the idea about culture like merchandise.

How to Cite

Moros Sides, Sandra. 2013. “The Cabanyal, Between the Threat and Social Empowerment”. AusArt 1 (1-2).
Abstract 371 | PDF (Español) Downloads 682




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