The (no)production around art and the public sphere



Published 2015-01-01
Josu Aguinaga Cueto


This article features the characteristics of certain contemporary artistic practices that escape from the art scheme based on the production of objects, and are more close to the concept of development of public sphere. It attempts to explain this evolution from the historic perspective of a process of objec-disappearance of the art work, before the pressure of the market to turn it into merchandise. This process results in a model of art practices more focused in the establishment of relationships within the inmediate social context than in the achievement of an art product. Considered the public sphere as the place where individuals get the highest level of simbolic efficacy, it is understandable for the artist to find more enriching to take part in its construction than to use it as a mere showcase for his work.

How to Cite

Aguinaga Cueto, Josu. 2015. “The (no)production Around Art and the Public Sphere”. AusArt 2 (2).
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