With regard to a missing link The (re) appearance of Assemblage (Merce Cunningham, Richard Moore, 1968)



Published 2015-07-13
Gabriel Villota Toyos


Long forgotten among other materials , the film Assemblage was recently rediscovered, restored and presented in several premieres in the United States. In 1968 Merce Cunningham have the opportunity to create a filmed choreography in collaboration with the poet and experimental filmmaker Richard O. Moore, and the station KQED in San Francisco. Assemblage is filmed in Ghirardelli Square, a new public space midway between the commercial mall and public square. Cunningham sees his choreography precisely from this idea of intervention in a public space. All the footage filmed with multiple cameras will be processed later in the editing room, using all the resources characteristic of experimental film, and thus opens the way to a new conception of screendance.

How to Cite

Villota Toyos, Gabriel. 2015. “With Regard to a Missing Link: The (re) Appearance of Assemblage (Merce Cunningham, Richard Moore, 1968)”. AusArt 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.14390.
Abstract 630 | PDF (Español) Downloads 648




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