Connecting sound energy and visuality
Connecting painting and music building a series of sonorous-paintings. Involving literature, performance, dance and robotics, also, in a transdisciplinary way and within a pseudo-metropolitan environment. Based on the poem Bā yīn "Eight sounds", part of the literary gem The Sanzijing, The Three-Character Classic (Southern Song Dynasty), which embodies the neo-Confucian ideal of uniting education, moral and philosophy. Any aspect in Chinese culture isn´t an isolated phenomenon but rather a contextual part related to diverse aspects of life: emerging special kind of cosmogonist systems. Visual and sound experiences as a mixed result by using different Chinese concepts, but presented alongside Western solutions in symbiosis. The project makes a system just taking those approaches to face music and painting, each other, while both of them emerge, develop, demonstrate and perform in unison, in a parallel and mutually binding manner. Linked but following a mutual destruction which summon the energy of an eternal vital circle. Technology and culture are showed under 4 audiovisual formats and 8 strictly visual formats, as well.
How to Cite
Carrá, Carlo. 2004 "The painting of sounds, noises and smells"., The Niuean Pop Cultural Archive, última modificación 03 jun.
Granet, Marcel. (1934) 2013. "Libro II, Las ideas directrices; III. Números y relaciones musicales". En El pensamiento chino, traducción de José Manuel Revuelta. Madrid: Trotta
Levi-Strauss, Claude. 1993. Mirar, escuchar, leer. Traducción de Emma Calatayud. Madrid: Siruela.
Nicolescu, Basarab. 2006. "Transdisciplinary-Past, Present and Future". En: Moving Worldviews – Reshaping sciences, policies and practices for endogenous sustainable development, edited by Bertus Haverkort and Coen Reijntjes, 142-66. Leusden, Holland: Compas.
Thompson, John. 2013 "Taiyin Daquanji: Folio 1C: Miscellaneous Qin information" [Acerca de la teoría de los 12 tubos]., última modificación 1 nov.
Trần Quang Hải. 2007. "Hồn Quê: Numbers in Asian music"., última modificación 29 oct.
Wang, Yinglin. (ca 1200) 2000. Sanzijing, el clásico de tres caracteres : El umbral de la educación china. Introducción, traducción y notas de Daniel Ibáñez Gómez. Madrid: Trotta
Wilhelm, Richard. 2006. I ching, O Livro das Mutações. Versión alemana,. São Paulo: Pensamento
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