Feminism, gender and reproductive work



Published 2017-07-14
Carmen Benedito Perez


The article consists of three parts, the first an introduction which speaks about of the necessity of studying the difference that exists between the sexes about reproductive tasks and the importance of understanding the new narratives and necessities that are generated on the issue of the reproduction and motherhood, a second part in which four artists are exposed who have contributed plastic, visual and experiential narrative on motherhood and in which aesthetic changes in the interpretation of the theme are valued and a final part in which conclusions are drawn and hypotheses are formulated for possible alternatives to the integration of human and social reproduction into a new social organism.

How to Cite

Benedito Perez, Carmen. 2017. “Feminism, Gender and Reproductive Work”. AusArt 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.17782.
Abstract 557 | PDF (Español) Downloads 993


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