Main contribution of Juan José Linares to popular traditional dance



Published 2019-07-11
Estela Alarcón Rodríguez


The choreographic composition, as it was configured in the works of the choreographers until 1996, produced multiple problems to the traditional folk dance. One of the most important, was the devastating result generated on its essential elements, reaching to distort their identity, style and differentiating characteristics. We found a new choreographic creation method presented by Juan José Linares Martiáñez (1933-2009), in Romance, based on the respect, conservation and maintenance of the most essential elements of popular traditional dance. In this article it is tried to extract by means of the analysis of the choreographic composition of Romance, the signs of identity, and differentiating characteristics present in the dances and dances of the work, to compare them with the signs of identity, and differentiating features that the dances and popular traditional dances. This comparative analytical work will lead us to the result provided by Juanjo Linares, a new choreographic language: the traditional scenic dance.

How to Cite

Alarcón Rodríguez, Estela. 2019. “Main Contribution of Juan José Linares to Popular Traditional Dance”. AusArt 7 (1).
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