Signdance Space for diversity



Published 2019-07-11
Rakel Rodríguez Ruiz


Signdance is a way of expression that integrates communication and artistic creation in equal proportion, through the fusion of different dance styles with sign languages and international sign system. It is an end in itself and at the same time, a means to connect emotions and work together from diversity with different groups at risk of social exclusion. The main objective of this article is to show the inclusive work that Arymux Company carries out in their courses, workshops and shows through Signdance. This discipline is vehicle for integrate publics and languages and its purpose is to eliminate every communication barrier encountered by diverse groups and people of different ages and backgrounds with and without disabilities. Signdance is presented here as an accessible and integrative tool that promotes inclusion and respects differences.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Ruiz, Rakel. 2019. “Signdance: Space for Diversity”. AusArt 7 (1).
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