'Sin piel' by Marina Núñez Review and interview



Published 2021-12-27
Juan Alberto Vich Álvarez


On the occasion of the exhibition ‘Sin piel’ (2021) by Marina Núñez at the Sala Kubo-Kutxa in Donostia-San Sebastián, a review of the most relevant aspects of the latter is presented, as well as an interview with the artist, where they reveal the most genuine reasons for her work and career. The present writing will allow an approach to the universe of Núñez, full of monsters and inhospitable territories, a committed and intimate narrative that places the artist from Palencia as one of the references of contemporary art at a national level.

How to Cite

Vich Álvarez, Juan Alberto. 2021. “’Sin piel’ by Marina Núñez: Review and Interview”. AusArt 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23061.
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