Artistic cartography as a visual medium of reflection to understand the reality



Published 2022-12-02
María Dolores Gallego Martínez


In this paper we approach the research and creation of artistic cartographies as a therapeutic process and as a visual communication medium, but also as an effective educational methodology to reflect on and understand the reality, both individual and collective. For this purpose, we have carried out a study and analysis of three contemporary art projects in which we have worked, through drawing and painting practice, with textile techniques and materials such as: “Mappa” (Map) by Alighiero e Boetti, “Tirar del hilo” (Pulling the thread) by Sonia Navarro and “Guía psycogeográfica” (Psycogeographic guide) of the self-authored. A selection of artistic cartographies that, as references (artistic, conceptual and technical), help us to understand and learn the symbolic connotations of maps, colors, shapes and materials used in these works of art, which also generate knowledge (artistic and intellectual) with a strong reflective and critical sense.

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Gallego Martínez, María Dolores. 2022. “Artistic Cartography As a Visual Medium of Reflection to Understand the Reality”. AusArt 10 (2).
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