Hybrid grounds of Mexican engraving



Published 2023-04-27
Francisco Ulises Plancarte Morales


The article attempts to establish the Mexican engraving route during the 80 and 90

decades on the XX century due to the search and experimentation of artistic languages. In that sense, the relationships and links of printmaking with other visual disciplines such as lithography, screen printing, as well as the common themes that these graphic branches have addressed throughout the 20th century are explored. Similarly, as progress was made in innovating techniques and the use of new materials, a new horizon of creative possibilities opened up for pictorial creators in particular and plastic artists in general. The aspect of innovation seemed like a natural path for artists who, when surrounded by machines, processes, and technologies that had been little studied in art, could use them to propose different and original images.

How to Cite

Plancarte Morales, Francisco Ulises. 2023. “Hybrid Grounds of Mexican Engraving”. AusArt 11 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.24234.
Abstract 217 | PDF (Español) Downloads 491




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