A critical review of the western progress model Ecofeminism and Gabriela Bettini’s pictorial proposal



Published 2024-07-08
Sheila Rodríguez Cañestro


This article proposes a reflection on the Western paradigm of progress, which historically has involved the exploitation of nature and the subordination of women. In order to tackle this question, it focuses on the analysis of the exhibition project «Raíces secundarias» (2022) by artist Gabriela Bettini, where she deals with the intersection between European colonialism in Latin America, the emergence of capitalism in the region, and the current crisis of natural resources. To contextualise this theme, the contributions of ecofeminist theorists such as Alicia H. Puleo, Vandana Shiva, and Yayo Herrero are drawn upon, who have analysed the existing relationships between the oppression of women and the degradation of nature. In conclusion, it’s suggested that Bettini’s pictorial proposal invites reconsideration of the relationship between human beings and nature, through overcoming the androcentric and anthropocentric slants of Western culture, in order to transition to a just and sustainable world.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Cañestro, Sheila. 2024. “A Critical Review of the Western Progress Model: Ecofeminism and Gabriela Bettini’s Pictorial Proposal”. AusArt 12 (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.26210.
Abstract 137 | PDF (Español) Downloads 138




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