Lithium-ion battery operation and "pouch cell" prototype fabrication
Laida Otaegui
Amaia Iturrondobeitia
Aitor Villaverde
Lithium-ion battery utilization was widely spread in order to fulfil current societies' energy demands. Several systems which are called lithium-ion batteries in a general way exist depending on the active material which is used in the electrochemical reaction. However, chemical composition is not the only parameter which determines the cell performance. Other cell parameters which are defined during the battery fabrication process such as electrode porosity, anode to cathode mass ratio, electrolyte volume... significantly affect battery properties. In this article "pouch cell" battery fabrication will be described emphasizing the importance of these parameters.
Li-ion batteries, "pouch cell", battery fabrication
Ale Arrunta
(C) UPV/EHU Press