Pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modeling to optimise antimicrogial agents dosage in critically ill patients



Published 12-03-2018
Amaia Soraluce Olañeta Alicia Rodríguez Gascón Arantxa Isla Ruiz


Nowadays, the treatment of infectious diseases has become a global health issue, due to multi-resistant antibiotic bacteria. The lack of new antibiotics enhances urgent need for current antimicrobials' dosing regimens optimization. This could become an extremely challenging duty when treating some kind of patients, such as the critically ill; as due to their physiophatological situation, both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics might be altered. PK/PD analysis, together with Monte Carlo Simulation, might be a useful tool in order to optimize dosing regimens of antibiotic agents and, therefore, improve clinical outcome and diminish emergence of resistances.

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Antibiotic, population pharmacokinetics, PK/PD analysis, Monte Carlo simulation.

Ale Arrunta