Counting squared grid patterns with Pólya Theory



Published 25-11-2018
María Merino Maestre
Imanol Unanue Gual


This work is a sequel of papers Yurramendi (2013) and Merino and Yurramendi (2014), where some mathematical formulae for counting the number of non equivalent binary rectangular grids have been obtained. The aim of this work is the explanation and generalization of those mathematical formulae based on Burnside and Polya's theory of counting. Grids with more than two colors are calculated and, moreover, for known occurrencies of all the colors, the way for obtaining the non-equivalent grids number is shown. This article is based on the Mathematics Final Degree Dissertation by Imanol Unanue Gual from UPV/EHU.
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Burnside's theory, Polya's theory, equivalent matrices, OEIS, symmetry

Ale Arrunta