Medical knowledge in the pocket



Published 12-03-2018
Jorge Nieto Anaje Armendariz Tomás A. Pérez Juan M. Pikatza Eduardo G. Pérez-Yarza Javier López-Cuadrado


Today there is a huge amount of knowledge in the field of medicine, but it is difficult to spread it. Public organizations make clinical guidelines to let professionals of medicine access to best practice recommendations and references in multiple diseases. There are many guides and it is almost impossible to be up to date in all of them. As technology has progressed, clinic guidelines have been computerized. Initially to digital formats, but now they are even executable. In this paper, Erabaki Taldea Group introduces OsasunApp, a system that automatically creates mobile applications. Besides explaining OsasunApp, a forecast is provided in this area.
Abstract 742 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 538



medicine, computerized clinic guide line, smartphone

Ale Arrunta