Applications of structured light technology for the production of metallic parts by means of hybrid manufacturing



Published 02-04-2019
Amaia Alberdi
Nerea Alberdi Rakel Pacheco Mikel Ortiz Pedro Ramiro


With the development of the new concept of hybrid machine, which combines additive and subtractive manufacturing in the same machine, new opportunities for automation of applications such as the repairing of defective parts or the addition of coatings with specific properties are coming out. In these applications, the need for the use of measuring systems has been revealed, in order to know the actual geometry of the parts. Among the different measurement systems, the structured light technology presents many advantages for this process: it is capable of measuring parts of different sizes and with low texture in a single measurement, and additionaly, the lighting conditions barely affect to the measurement. In this article, different applications of structured light technology for hybrid manufacturing are presented. In addition, an example of the application of this technology is also described, which consists in the manufacturing of the coating of a hot stamping die. For this, the ZVH 45/1600 Add+Process hybrid machine from Ibarmia manufacturer has been employed.

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Hybrid manufacturing, Additive Manufacturing, LMD, Structured Light, optical systems.

Ale Berezia