Energy poverty in Spain for years 2008, 2011 and 2014
Oihana Aristondo
Eneritz Onaindia
Ariane Barreras
In this paper, Energy Poverty is measured in Spain for years 2008, 2011 and 2014. The variables used to measure energy poverty are the three energy accessibility indicators: the ability to keep the home adequately warm, the arrears on utility bills (electricity, water, gas) and the presence of a leaking roof, damp walls or rotten windows. Firstly a global analysis of energy poverty for Spanish households has been done. Then, we have classified the households according to three different characteristics in order to identify the most affected households. The used classifications are type of area, members of household and household total income. Results suggest that energy poverty in Spain worsened between 2008 and 2014. Specifically, high urbanization areas, households with children and households with low incomes show the highest energy poverty values.
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