Use of artificial intelligence to solve a 2-player competitive game: the 15 sticks game



Published 01-05-2020
Anne Idigoras Beñat Galdós Imanol Echeverría Josune Ordóñez Mayi Echeveste Inigo Lopez-Gazpio


In this paper students from the University of Deusto apply the concepts learned in the articial intelligence subject to solve a 2-player competitive game proposed recently in a television program: the 15 sticks game. The 15 sticks game consists on a 2-player competitive game in which players must not pick the last stick. For the task, we describe articial intelligence in the context of search spaces and game heuristics, dene the 15 sticks game and propose a computational approach based on machine learning to solve it. The software agent is able to learn to solve the game eciently by playing against itself through iterations with no external supervision. We nally provide extensive analysis on the developed software agent and remark the conclusions and future work.

Abstract 541 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 367



Articial intelligence, games, search spaces, machine learning

Ale Arrunta