Protein analysis through thermal denaturation for the discovery of new bioactive compounds



Published 29-10-2020
Yuri Rueda Hiart Navarro-Imaz Irati Rekondo Susana Cristobal Olatz Fresnedo


Bioactive compounds are either natural or synthetic chemicals that can affect both the cellular and/or physiological activity in living organisms. Included among these are, for example, drugs that can have beneficial effects on health, through the modulation of biological processes. The development of new strategies to search new bioactive compounds and their new biological targets is a high impact challenge. In order to find target proteins and mechanisms of action, several different methodologies have been developed, including the method discussed in this paper. It is based on the analysis of the modifications caused by bioactive compounds on the protein thermal denaturation process. This work describes the basics of this methodology suitable in the search of bioactive compounds as well as the criteria for its implementation.
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active compound, pharmacological target, thermal denaturation, thermal proteome profiling

Ale Arrunta