Multidisciplinary PBL in Engineering: an Experience in the Subjects Software Engineering and Databases



Published 30-04-2021
Anaje Armendariz Maider Azanza Idoia Berges


In recent years there have been many changes at all levels of education, from pre-school to university. It was common at university to have classes of 200 students, mostly aimed at teaching theory. Nowadays, however, the number of students is much smaller and the classes much more practical. This allows different methodologies to be applied, such as Project Based Learning (PBL), where students internalize contents through the development of a project. Applying this methodology, a multidisciplinary pilot test was carried out in the 2017/2018 academic year in the BSc in Computer Management and Information Systems Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering in Bilbao between the courses of Software Engineering and Databases, specifically a common project. This article explains what the experience was like and what conclusions were drawn from it.
Abstract 267 | PDF (Euskara) Downloads 246



University education, PBL, Software Engineering, Databases

Ale Arrunta