The importance of ethical hacking to protect ourselves from cyber-attacks



Published 30-04-2021
Ainhoa Etxeberria Iñaki Goirizelaia Juan Jose Uncilla Jasone Astorga Maider Uharte


In 2020, we are living in a technology driven society where data communication systems have become essential in all aspects of our daily life. Covid19 has shown us that the unknown can take us to new scenarios and ways of life that we could not even imagine months ago. Nowadays, relationships between people, companies, and institutions are based more than ever, on telecommunication networks and thus the need for sophisticated cybersecurity is becoming extremely important to protect us from ever-increasing cyber-attacks. Companies and institutions are investing substantial amounts of money in their own cybersecurity. In this scenario, ethical hacking has become a frequent tool to determine the needed security-level. Ethical hacking aims to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in computer networks, using the same knowledge and tools that hackers use to penetrate networks and expose software vulnerabilities. This disclosure article describes what ethical hacking is, its benefits and why it is needed. It presents a state of the art about ethical hacking and shows how companies and institutions could implement ethical hacking using a methodology based on Penetration Tests (Penetration Testing Execution Standard, PTES).
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ethical hacking, pentesting, penetration test, cybersecurity

Ale Arrunta