CAR-T cell immunotherapy against cancer



Published 07-01-2021
Patricia Garcia Gallastegi Maite Mugica Basauri Olatz Crende Arruabarrena


The last years immunotherapy has become a useful strategy in the fight against cancer. One of the most popular therapies is called CAR-T. In this treatment, the patient’s T lymphocytes are removed and modified in the laboratory to enhance the action against the tumour by placing a type of “sensor” on its surface (CAR receptor). Thus, the patient is re- introduced with the transformed lymphocytes, which search for, recognize, and attack tumour cells. In this review, we will explain the structure, mode of generation, and adverse effects of CAR receptors on therapy. Finally, CAR-T immunotherapy has been shown to be effective in several blood tumours, as well as in certain types of solid tumors.
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CAR-T, Cancer, Immunotherapy

Ale Arrunta