Genealogical and Genomic Characterization of the Betizu Bovine Breed



Published 25-11-2021
Asier Alvite Arregi Juan Altarriba Farran Luis Varona Aguado


The ultimate goal of this research work is to contribute to the knowledge of the native, very rustic and endangered cattle breed in the Basque Country called Betizu. A genetic analysis has been carried out on a representative sample of individuals that was genotyped with the chip Axiom™ Bovine Genotyping v3. The aim of this analysis was to detect possible subpopulations within the herd, as well as to study the degree of consanguinity present in the population. Considering that it is an endangered breed, inbreeding was not excessively high, obtaining an average of 13.4%. Three different subpopulations were detected that coincided with the main Betizus populations that have repopulated the current cattle population. The kinship was determined by calculating the matrix of genomic relations and the capacity of the molecular information to reveal kinships that were genealogically unknown was verified. The results of this analysis provided relevant information for decision making in the conservation program of the breed, since it allows to design a mating strategy to avoid inbreeding depression.

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