Energy poverty in the autonomous community of the Basque Country in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2018
This paper analyzes energy poverty in the Basque Autonomous Community (BAC) for the years 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2018. To measure energy poverty, two lines are usually followed: the first one, based on subjective variables and the second based on housing energy expenditures. The variables usually used in the first line are three, normally used in the consensual methodology, which are called perceptual variables. These variables respond to questions on the energy comfort of the households, i.e., whether the household has the capacity to maintain an adequate temperature, whether it has suffered delays in the payment of electricity, water and/or gas bills and, finally, whether the condition of the household is adequate (absence of humidity, leaks or broken windows). In the second line, two variables related to housing energy costs are analyzed; excessive energy expenditure over household income and insufficient energy expenditure, known as hidden poverty. These two lines are usually studied independently in most studies, but not jointly for the same household. In fact, there are no database at European level that contains these five variables together. The novelty of this work is that in the database of the Basque Autonomous Community we can found all the variables for each household and the both lines can be analyzed together. Therefore, in this work, firstly we analyze the both lines independently and then we define and compute general energy poverty for the Basque Autonomous Community by jointly analyzing both lines.
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