Polyoxometalates in aqueous medium: most respresentative structures



Published 03-11-2021
Estibaliz Ruiz-Bilbao
Leticia Fernández-Navarro Beñat Artetxe
Leire San Felices Santiago Reinoso


The large compositional and structural diversity of polyoxometalates (POMs) is strongly related to their dynamic chemical equilibria in aqueous solution. In fact, their formation process involves complex oxoanion condensation reactions in acidic media and thus, more than one metal-oxo cluster species coexist in a given pH condition. Thus, a general overview of the most common structural archetypes of POMs is provided in this work, with strong focus on the main species found in aqueous solution as a function of the pH. First, traditional iso- and hetero-polyoxovanadates, -polyoxomolybdates and -polyoxotungstates are reviewed, followed by the analysis of less conventional families, such as giant molybdates, uranium peroxoclusters and noble-metal POMs.

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