Hortzetako txantxarra: etiopatogeniaren garapena eta osasun publikoaren erronka



Published 24-04-2023
Jon Fernández-Bonet Xabier Marichalar-Mendia Aitana Lertxundi


Knowledge about the etiopathogenesis of dental caries has advanced a great deal in recent decades. Nevertheless, the disease remains a great challenge for public health. It is necessary to continue the research and implement new preventive strategies, especially in the most vulnerable communities, taking into account the sociodemographic factors that influence the onset of the disease. Currently, the individual preventive strategy is not effective to deal with caries inequalities. Dental caries experience has decreased in recent decades with the implementation of the PADI program and the fluoridation of waters in the region of the Basque Country, being among the best in Europe. However, lower social classes still have much higher caries experience than the rest. That is why it is very important that, if the Basque Government finally stops the fluoridation of water, methodologically rigorous studies are carried out to evaluate the impact of this measure, especially on vulnerable groups.

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