No. 19 (2022): XIX Simposio de Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia: El régimen municipal de Vasconia del Siglo XVIII al XXI

Published: 01-12-2022


The regulatory power of peninsular Vasconia municipalities (14th-19th centuries)

Maria Rosa Ayerbe Iribar
Abstract 25 | PDF (Español) Downloads 18

Page 61-98

Basque Municipalities, Fueros, and the Construction of The Liberal State in Spain

Fernando Martínez Rueda
Abstract 19 | PDF (Español) Downloads 67

Page 99-128

The Basque Country local institutions law: a lost opportunity?

Rafael Jiménez Asensio
Abstract 33 | PDF (Español) Downloads 12

Page 177-207

The incorporation of the municipal autonomy principle into the Navarre local code in 1925

Juan-Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 21 | PDF (Español) Downloads 11

Page 247-287

A panorama of historiography, legal works, and political thought in Vasconia (1512-1794)

Juan Madariaga Orbea
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4

Page 331-371

The conquest of Navarre in the historiography of the Modern Age

Peio J. Monteano Sorbet
Abstract 27 | PDF (Español) Downloads 14

Page 373-389


778: La batalla de Errozabal en su contexto histórico, de Xabier Irujo

Carlos Rilova Jericó
Abstract 56 | PDF (Español) Downloads 69

Page 431-434

In memoriam

In memoriam: Bartolomé Clavero Salvador

Juan-Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 31

Page 435-462