Religion and Public Space in Times of Globalization
This text was originally published in 2008 by Judit Bokser Liwerant as a book chapter. The text was part of the book entitled Los retos de la laicidad y la secularización en el mundo contemporáneo coordinated by Roberto Blancarte for El Colegio de México editorial house. In the text, the author gives an account of the centrality that the religious phenomenon has acquired in the contemporary period, framed by the multidimensional and contradictory character of globalization processes, as well as by changes in the dynamics of the private/public spheres. It analyzes the avatars and challenges of religion in modernity and the complex dynamics of secularization and laicité. Derived from these crucial interactions, it explains the reconfiguration of the borders between legality and morality, between the individual and society, between family, civil society and the State. Singular relevance acquires globalization processes that have created new collective identities, enhancing primordial referents while promoting civic identification. It thus influences the resurgence of the religion, ethnicity and national identities in complex and even contradictory ways.
globalization, civil society, public space, secularization, laicité
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