Is it desirable, necessary and possible to perform research using case studies?



Published 18-09-2018
Oskar Villarreal Larrinaga


Articles on the research methodology to be used in Business Economics generally address the key aspects in­volved in designing the research, such as procedure, techniques of evidence gathering and analysis and associa­ted tests of rigor and quality. However, researchers involved in some of the more "uncommon" scientific research methodologies (albeit necessary in social science) such as case studies have some rather more existential ques­tions (Why and for what purpose should one use case studies in research?). They need answers to these questions if they are to overcome the technical problems of the research process and, above all, the prejudice against such methodologies encountered amongst the scientific community. As well as addressing the key aspects of research design, this paper sets out to discuss the raison d'être of case study as a scientific research methodology. In doing so, it will use three principal questions in order to approach the discussion from a different perspective. These three questions are: is it desirable, is it necessary and is it possible to perform research using case studies? In answering these questions, it is hoped to provide robust arguments that will justify the use of this methodology, as well as substantial elements for building appropriate and rigorous designs for scientifically-based and focused case study research.

How to Cite

Villarreal Larrinaga, O. (2018). Is it desirable, necessary and possible to perform research using case studies?. Cuadernos De Gestión, 17(1), 147–172.
Abstract 239 | PDF Downloads 244



Case study, research methodology, business economics

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