Applying netnography to the obtaining of the map of positioning for companies of food retail
Online communities have become a popular meeting place for consumers that allows them to share information. This article presents a marketing research technique as netnography, and applied to determine the positioning of food distribution companies. After collection and analysis of 506 valid messages Ciao online community, were able to learn which attributes are associated to six food establishments analyzed. Mercadona is associated with the quality of its private label and a narrow range of brands / products. Discount stores Lidl and DIA, highlighted by the possibility of improvement in the cleanliness of the establishment and location of products. Hypermarkets, Eroski, Carrefour and Alcampo, are renowned for their variety of brands / products, and away from home. Also been identified to direct competitors of each company, being a competition among the retail formats of the same type (intratipo). The use of netnography, relatively recent technique, is the largest original work. Furthermore, the conclusions that are consistent with previous studies show that the netnography can be a source of information to determine brand image and positioning of companies.
How to Cite
Netnography, online marketing, positioning, food retail
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