DUAQUAL: The quality perceived by teachers and students in university management



Published 13-03-2012
Sandra María Correia Loureiro Francisco Javier Miranda González


The Bologna Process has imprinted an institutional perspective on concerns about quality, quality management and quality assurance in the services provided in the universities and other institutions of higher education. The quality of higher education is not centered on the teaching and learning processes alone, and on the relationship between students and professors. It must also be assured through the services provided by the university libraries, snack bars, refectories, welfare services, central administrative services and departmental offices. With this in mind, this research starts the development of a scale of evaluation of the service quality provided by secretarial office of university departments, named DUAQUAL. The factorial analysis allowed us to extract three factors: Credibility, Professionalism and Information. The application of the PLS technique shown that Professionalism factor contributes more to explain the overall perceived quality and the satisfaction than the two other dimensions.

How to Cite

Correia Loureiro, S. M., & Miranda González, F. J. (2012). DUAQUAL: The quality perceived by teachers and students in university management. Cuadernos De Gestión, 12(1), 107–122. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.100251sc
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Service quality, higher education, satisfaction, DUAQUAL scale

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