Protected indications of origin as differentiation cue of food products: the Spanish ham case



Published 18-09-2018
Juan Carlos Gázquez Abad Francisco J. Martínez López Vanesa Barrales Molina


The 'country/region of origin' is a traditionally used strategy by food companies in order to diferentiate their production from each other. Is the origin an useful strategy? Does it lead to differentiate a company's offer? This paper aims to resolve these questions from a theoretical perspective. In addition, a descriptive analysis of Spanish Designation of Origin's ham sector is developed. Such sector comprises only six Designations, so an in-deep analysis of all aspects related to place of origin will be easier

How to Cite

Gázquez Abad, J. C., Martínez López, F. J., & Barrales Molina, V. (2018). Protected indications of origin as differentiation cue of food products: the Spanish ham case. Cuadernos De Gestión, 12(2), 103–129.
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Diferentiation, Protected Designations of Origin, Protected Geographical Indications, Ham

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