A social initiative in the textile recovery field that creates employment: Berohi S. Coop.
The increase in clothes consumption causes a raise in the volume of thrown out clothes each year, and this provokes the awareness of reusing that resource necessity. Berohi S. Coop. is one of the organizations placed in Bizkaia (Basque Country) that works in second hand clothing recovery and recycling. The initial conception and development of Berohi S. Coop. business project is the focal point of this case.
Berohi S. Coop. was founded in 2000 as a result of a collaboration process among the Basque Country entities that worked in second hand clothing recovery. Berohi is a cooperative society of public utility and social initiative whose main objectives are to satisfy the clothing requirements of needy people, to promote environmental improvement and to create employment for the people in social exclusion risk or situation. Its main activities are the selective collection of second hand clothes, shoes, accessories and the rest of textile elements for their subsequent handling, treatment and sale. Today, the organization provides an integrated solution in the textile recovery field throughout Bizkaia and a development cooperation project in Chile.
How to Cite
Cooperative society, environment, textile recovery, entrepreneurship
BEROHI (2010): http://www.berohi.com.
BEROHI, S. Coop. (2010): Informe 2009.
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