How can we distinguish ethical salespeople from those who are not?: Implications for the salespeople selection and training process
Sergio Román Nicolás
Rocío Rodríguez Herrera
Nowadays organizations need to improve the image of their salespeople since they are aware of the influence of salespeople behaviors on the success or failure of the company as well as the bad image that society has traditionally had about the sales function, due in part to the use of sales ethically questionable practices. This article aims to analyze the effect of certain demographic variables (gender, formation and age) and personality traits (machiavellianism and materialism) on salespeople's evaluations of sales ethically questionable behaviors. Student t-test of difference of means is used on sample of 199 salespeople. The results reveal that all the variables considered, but gender, influenced a salesperson's ethical judgments. The key implications for the sales selection and training activities are discussed at the end of the article.
How to Cite
Román Nicolás, S., & Rodríguez Herrera, R. (2018). How can we distinguish ethical salespeople from those who are not?: Implications for the salespeople selection and training process. Cuadernos De Gestión, 11(3), 85–99.
ethically questionable sales behaviors, demographic variables, personality variables, sales people selection, salespeople training
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BABIN, B. J., GRIFFIN, M. y BOLES, J. S. (2004): “Buyer Reactions to Ethical Beliefs in the Retail Environment”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 57, pp. 1155–1163.
BATEMAN, C. y VALENTINE, S. (2010): “Investigating the Effects of Gender on Consumers’ Moral Philosophies and Ethical Intentions”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 95, pp. 393-404.
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BELK, R.W. (1984): “Cultural and Historical Differences in Concept of Self and their Effects on Attitudes towards Having and Living”, Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11, pp. 753-760.
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BEST, S.J. y KRUEGER, B. (2002): “New Approaches to Assessing Opinion: The Prospects for Electronic Mail Surveys”, International Journal of Public Opinion Research, Vol. 14, pp. 73–91.
BOYLE, B. (2000):”The Impact of Customer Characteristics and Moral Philosophies on Ethical Judgments of Salespeople”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 3, pp. 249-267.
BUSSEY, K. y MAUGHAM, B. (1982):”Gender Differences in Moral Reasoning”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 42, pp. 701-706.
CARTER, R.E., DIXON, A.L. y MONCRIEF, W.C. (2008): “The Complexities of Sales and Sales Management Research: a Historical Analysis from 1990 to 2005”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 403-419.
CHRISTIE, R. y GEIS, F.L. (1970): “Studies in Machiavellianism”, Academic Press, New York.
DE BRUYN, A., LIECHTY, J.L., HUIZINGH, E.K.R.E. y LILIEN, G.L. (2008): “Offering Online Recommendations with Minimum Customer Input through Conjoint-Based Decision Aids”, Marketing Science, Vol. 27(3), pp. 443-464.
DUBINSKY, A. NATARAAJAN, R. y HUANG, W.Y. (2004):”The Influence of Moral Philosophy on Retail Salespeople’s Ethical Perceptions”, Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol. 38, pp. 297-319.
ERGENELI, A. y ARIKAN, S. (2002): “Gender Differences in Ethical Perception of Salespeople: An Empirical Examination in Turkey”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 40, pp. 247-260.
FLETCHER, C. (1990): “The Relationship between Candidate Personality, Self-Presentation Strategies, and Interviewer Assessments in Selection Interviews: An Empirical Study”, Human Relations, Vol. 43, pp. 739-749.
FLYNN, S., REICHARD, M. y SLANE, S. (1987): “Cheating as a Function of Task Outcome and Machiavellianism”, Journal of Psychology, Vol. 121, pp. 423-427.
GERRARD, M., ANGLIN, K.A., SZYMANSKI, D.M. y GENTRY, J.W. (1992): “Relationship Development in Selling: A Cognitive Analysis”, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, Vol.12, pp. 23-34.
GILLIGAN, C. (1982): “In a different voice: Psychological theory and women’s development”, MA: Harvard University Press, Cambridge.
GUNNTHORSDOTTIR, A., MCCABE, K. y SMITH, V. (2002): “Using the Machiavellianism Instrument to Predict Trustworthiness in a Bargaining Game”, Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 23, pp. 49–66.
HARRELL, W.A. y HARTNAGEL, T. (1976): “The impact of Machiavellianism and the trustfulness of the victim on laboratory theft”, Sociometry, Vol. 39, pp. 157-165.
HAWES, J. RICH, A.K. y WIDMIER, S.M., (2004): “Assessing The Development of The Sales Profession”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 24 (1), pp. 27-34.
HENTHORNE, T.L., ROBIN, D.P. y REIDENBACH, R.E. (1992): “Identifying the Gaps in Ethical Perceptions between Managers and Salespersons”, Journal of Business Ethics; Vol.11, pp. 849-862.
HUNT, S.D. y VITELL, S.J. (1986): “A General Theory of Marketing Ethics”, Journal of Macromarketing, Vol. 6, pp. 5-16.
KENG, K.A., KWON, J., TAN S.J. y JOCHEN, W. (2000): “The Influence of Materialistic Inclination on Values, Life Satisfaction, and Aspirations: An Empirical Analysis”, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 49, pp. 317–333.
KOHLBERG, L. (1981): “Essays on Moral Development”, The Philosophy of Moral Development, San Francisco, Vol. 1, CA: Harper & Row.
LEE, N., BEATSON, A., GARRETT, T., LINGS, I. y ZHANG, X. (2009): “A study of the attitudes towards unethical selling amongst Chinese salespeople”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 88, pp. 497-515.
LI, S.F. y PERSONS, O.S. (2011): “Cultural Effects on Business Students’ Ethical Decisions: A Chinese Versus American Comparison”, Journal of Education for Business, Vol. 86, pp. 10-16.
MCINTYRE, F.S., THOMAS J.L. y GILBERT, F.W. (1999): “Consumer Segments and Perceptions of Retail Ethics”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Vol. 2, pp. 43–53.
MUDRACK, P. (1993): “Are the Elderly Really Machiavellian? A Reinterpretation of an Unexpected Finding”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 14, pp. 757-758.
MUNCY, J.A. y EASTMAN, J.K. (1998): “Materialism and Consumer Ethics: an Exploratory Study”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 17, pp. 137-45.
NUNNALLY, J.C. (1978): Psycometric Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York, 2nd ed.
RAMOS, J.A. y PERIAÑEZ (2003):“Delimitación del Marketing con Causa o Marketing Social Corporativo mediante el Análisis de Empresas que Realizan Acciones de Responsabilidad Social”, Cuadernos de Gestión, Vol. 3. Nº 1 y Nº 2, pp.65-82.
RAMSEY, R.P., MARSHALL, G.W., JOHNSTON, M.W y DEETER-SCHMELZ, D.R. (2007): “Ethical Ideologies and Older Consumer Perceptions of Unethical Sales Tactics”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 70, pp. 191–207.
RAWWAS, M.Y.A., SWAIDAN, Z. y OYMAN M. (2005): “Consumer Ethics: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Ethical Beliefs of Turkish and American Consumers”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 57(2), pp. 183-195.
REST, J.R. (1986): “Moral Development: Advances in Research and Theory”, Praeger, NY.
REVILLA, C. y GALLEGO, Á. (2007): “La Importancia de la Ética en la Venta desde el Punto de Vista del Consumidor”, Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, Vol. 13, pp. 209-230.
RICHINS, M.L. y DAWSON, S.A. (1992): “Consumer Values Orientation for Materialism and Its Measurement: Scale Development and Validation”, Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 19(3),pp. 303-316
ROBINSON, J.P. y SHAVER, P.R. (1973): Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes, MI: Institute for Social Research, Ed. Ann Arbor.
ROMÁN, S. y MUNUERA, J.L. (2005): “Determinants and Consequences of Ethical Behaviour: An Empirical Study on Salespeople”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 39, pp. 473-495.
ROMÁN, S. y RUIZ, S. (2005): “Relationship Outcomes of Perceived Ethical Sales Behavior: the Customer’s Perspectives”, Journal Business Research, Vol. 58, pp. 439-445.
SPARKS, J.R. y M. JOHLKE (1996): “Factors Influencing Student Perceptions of Unethical Behavior by Personal Salespeople: An Experimental Investigation”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 15, pp. 871-887.
TREVIÑO, L.K. (1986): “Ethical Decision Making in Organizations: A Person-Situation Interactionist Model”, Academy of Management Review, Vol. 11, pp. 601-617.
VITELL, S.J. y MUNCY, J. (1992): “Consumer Ethics: An Empirical Investigation of Factors Influencing Ethical Judgments of the Final Consumer”, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.11, pp. 585–597.
VOLKEMA, R.J. (2004): “Demographic, Cultural, and Economic Predictors of Perceived Ethicality of Negotiation Behavior: A Nine-Country Analysis”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 57, pp. 69-78.
WOTRUBA, T. (1990): “A Comprehensive Framework for the Analysis of Ethical Behavior, with a Focus on Sales Organisations”, Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management, Vol. 10, pp. 29-42.
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