Middle managers service leadership
A big challenge in modern service organization is to focus on customers and to forge their satisfaction and loyalty. Innovation, information technology and value added are decisive factors, however the main aspect to consider is the human factor. It is necessary to focus on people in order to improve the service capability within the organization.
Middle manager is the link between the strategy designed by top management and the execution to deliver services, that is realized by employees guided by leaders of middle level. Our study is focused on middle manager service orientation as the pillar to get a customer focus and to forge the service employees' performance.
We consider that middle managers have to asume a service leadership in order to foster the productivity and employees' commitment. In that sense we focus especially on middle managers' main roles. Those are the key aspect to deploy a service culture, and at the same time to promote employees' satisfaction that drives their performance and development.
How to Cite
Middle managers, service orientation, service leadership, middle managers' commitment
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