Brand umbrella and made in the international competitiveness of granite



Published 18-09-2018
María José García Rodríguez José Santiago Gómez Fraiz Ana Isabel Martínez Senra


Spain, like Italy, the traditional leader of granite sector, has seen how China, India or Brazil have risen several positions on global production and export rankings. In a globalized context, it's necessary a good differentiation from international competitors, much more when this is a generic product that offers suitable prices and quality. One way to identify and differentiate it, is providing value by creating a brand. In this paper we study the utility of a strategy based on made in for Galicia, major production location for the industry in Spain; an alternative that seems attractive to enterprises, but whose implementation requires strong collaboration between firms and public and private institutions.

How to Cite

García Rodríguez, M. J., Gómez Fraiz, J. S., & Martínez Senra, A. I. (2018). Brand umbrella and made in the international competitiveness of granite. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(2), 29–42.
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Granite, brand, made in, internacionalization

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