Distinctive features of China for business development: findings from case studies



Published 20-07-2010
Noemí Martínez Caraballo


China has emerged as a major player on the global scenario, having lead, during the last three decades, a great magnitude process of economic and social transformation. Nevertheless, selling Western produce –mainly, food products– in China is, the most complicated challenge which companies that decide to operate in this market should face. This paper aims to offer a panoramic vision of several China particularities with the purpose of reviewing its potential for Western business development. Hence, a number of cases studies of companies that have succeeded to enter the Chinese market and different examples of wrong decisions or failure cases are presented, trying to provide an analytical evaluation and managerial guidelines.

How to Cite

Martínez Caraballo, N. (2010). Distinctive features of China for business development: findings from case studies. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(2), 67–80. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.100189nm
Abstract 195 | PDF (Español) Downloads 356



China, Crosscultural Management, Foreign Investments, Market Penetration

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