The effectiveness of banner ads on blogs



Published 18-09-2018
Asunción Beerli Palacio Josefa D. Martín Santana


The aim of this paper is to measure the advertising effectiveness of two formats of on-line advertisements, namely, large-button advertisements and contextual advertisements, and to determine the factors which, on the basis of the reviewed literature, influence advertising effectiveness. The context of application is blog type web pages, which, despite the significant increase in their use, have not received attention in the field of the advertising research. The results reflect that there are differences in the advertising effectiveness of the two formats and that the factors that influence are attitude to the blog, involvement with the product advertised and the length of the visit to the blog.

How to Cite

Beerli Palacio, A., & Martín Santana, J. D. (2018). The effectiveness of banner ads on blogs. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(3), 17–42.
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Advertising, advertising effectiveness, internet, blogs

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