Analysing the maximum level of customer satisfaction in grocery stores: the influence of feature advertising



Published 18-09-2018
María Pilar Martínez Ruiz Ana Isabel Jiménez Zarco Alicia Izquierdo Yusta


From the initial consideration of the store attributes that the marketing literature has identified as key in order that grocery retailers manage to design their differentiation strategies, this work identifies the main factors underlying the above mentioned attributes. The goal is to analyze which of these factors exert a bigger influence on the highest level of customer satisfaction. With this intention, we have examined a sample of 422 consumers who had carried out their purchase in different types of store formats in Spain, considering the influence of feature advertising on the clientele behavior. Interesting conclusions related to the aspects that most impact on the maximum level of customer satisfaction depending on the influence of feature advertising stem from this work.

How to Cite

Martínez Ruiz, M. P., Jiménez Zarco, A. I., & Izquierdo Yusta, A. (2018). Analysing the maximum level of customer satisfaction in grocery stores: the influence of feature advertising. Cuadernos De Gestión, 10(3), 63–83.
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Maximum customer satisfaction, grocery stores, feature advertising

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