The effect of on-the-job training on labour mobility



Published 24-03-2009
Gema Álvarez Llorente


In this paper we analyse empirically the relation between employer-provided training and the probability of subsequent job exit. The main contribution to the literature is the estimation approach used. In particular, we propose an empirical model which takes into account for the possible endogeneity between training and mobility labour variables. With this model it's possible to obtain an estimation of the true causal effect of employer-provided training on the probability of subsequent job exit. Using Spanish data from the European Community Household Panel (ECHP) it's shown that the negative effect of training on job mobility, usually found in this area, disappears once the endogeneity problem discussed above is accounted for.

How to Cite

Álvarez Llorente, G. (2009). The effect of on-the-job training on labour mobility. Cuadernos De Gestión, 9(1), 67–80.
Abstract 88 | PDF (Español) Downloads 69



On-the-job training, job mobility, binary choice, endogenous variables

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