A goal programming model to support the case-mix planning in state hospitals
Mariano Jiménez López
Juan Antonio Rivas Pérez
Marian Zubia Zubiaurre
We are proposing a goal programming model to estimate the case-mix that should be included in the Contract- program that annually subscribe the Public Hospitals and the Administration in Spain. The decision variables are the activity level of each hospital medical service and the attributes are the basic indicators that are managed when elaborating the Contract-program: fi nancing, number of discharges, average length of stay and complexity weight. We solve our model by the EXCEL's tool SOLVER. The use of this tool allows simulating several scenarios in an interactive way, which is very useful for the study and discussion of the quantities to contract between the Hospital and the Administration. The paper concludes with a brief presentation of the results obtained when applying our model to a hospital of the Basque Health Service.
How to Cite
Jiménez López, M., Rivas Pérez, J. A., & Zubia Zubiaurre, M. (2018). A goal programming model to support the case-mix planning in state hospitals. Cuadernos De Gestión, 8(1), 73–88. https://doi.org/10.5295/cdg.19114mj
Goal programming, Hospital, Health Service, Case-mix, Contract-Program
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ARENAS, M.; BILBAO, A.; JIMÉNEZ, M. Y RODRÍGUEZ URÍA, M.V. (2001). «A fuzzy goal programming model for evaluating a hospital service performance». En Zopounidis, C.; Pardalos, P.M. y Baourakis, G. (eds.), Fuzzy Sets in Management, Economics and Marketing. World Scientific.
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BLAKE, J.T. Y CARTER, M.W. (2002). «A goal programming approach to strategic resource allocation in acute care hospital». European Journal of Operational Research, No. 140, pp. 541-561.
BLAKE J.T. Y CARTER M.W. (2003). «Physician and hospital funding options in public system with decreasing resources». Socio-Economic Planning Sciences; Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 45-68.
BUTLER, T.W.; KARWAN, K.R.; SWEIGART, J.R. Y REEVES, G. (1992). «An integrative model based approach to hospital layout». IIE Transactions, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 144-152.
CUERVO, J.I.; VARELA, J. Y BELENES, R. (1994). Gestión de hospitales. Nuevos instrumentos y tendencias. Vicens Vivens.
DOWLING, W.A. (1976). Hospital production. Health and Company, Lexington, MA.
FELDSTEIN, M.S. (1967). Economic Analysis for Health Service Effi ciency. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
FETTER R.B; YOUNGSOO S.; FREEMAN J.L.; AVERILL R.F. Y THOMPSOM J.D. (1980). «Case mix defi nition by diagnosis related groups». Med Care 18 (sup), pp. 1-53.
HUGHES, W.L. Y SOLIMAN, S.Y. (1985). «Short-term case mix management with linear programming». Hospital and Health Service Administration, No. 30, pp. 52-60.
JIMÉNEZ, M.; RIVAS, J.A. Y ZUBIA M. (2005). «Un modelo de programación por metas para el plan de producción de un hospital del servicio vasco de salud». Cuadernos del CIMBAGE 7, pp. 1-24.
JIMÉNEZ, M.; RIVAS J.A. Y ZUBIA M. (2007). «Using fuzzy goal programming techniques to support the case mix planning in hospital». 22nd European Conference on Operational Research. Prague.
KWAK, N.K. Y LEE, C.H. (1997). «A linear goal programming model for human resource allocations in a health-care organization». Journal of Medical Systems, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 129-140.
LEE, S.M. (1973). «An aggregative resource allocation model for hospital administration». SocioEconomic Planning Sciences, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 381-395.
MARTÍN, F. (1993). Aproximación a la elaboración de un modelo de asignación de recursos hospitalarios mediante la programación por metas. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
MARTÍN, J.J.; LÓPEZ DEL AMO, M.P.; CABALLERO, R. Y MOLINA, J. (2001). «A goal programming scheme to determine the budget assignment among the hospitals of a sanitary system». En Zanakis, Doukidis and Zopounidis (Ed). Recent developments and applications in decision making. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
ODDOYE, O.R.; JONES, D.F.; TAMIZ, M. Y SCHMIDT, P. (2007). «Combining simulation and goal programming for healthcare planning in medical assessment unit». European Journal of Operational Research, Article in Press, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2007.10.029.
PANITZ, E. (1988). The services mix decision in not-for-profi t organizations: a math programming approach to community mental health service mix selection. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Kentucky.
RIFAI, A.K. Y PECENKA, J.O. (1989). «An application of goal programming in healthcare planning». International Journal of Production Management, No. 10, pp. 28-37.
ROBBINS, W.A. Y TUNTIWONGPIBOON, N. (1989). «Linear programming is a useful tool in case-mix management». Healthcare Financial Management, Vol. 43, No. 6, pp. 114-116.
ROMERO, C. (1993). Teoría de la Decisión Multicriterio: Conceptos, técnicas y aplicaciones, Alianza Universidad Textos, Madrid.
SIMON, H.A. (1955). «A behavioural model of rational choice». Quaterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 69, pp. 99-118.
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