How do entrepreneurial firms manage human resources? The REDUR case
María Isabel Delgado Piña
Luis Gómez Martínez
Ana María Romero Martínez
Elena Vázquez Inchausti
This paper analyzes the human resources management in a familiar and entrepreneurial company, REDUR. Specifically, it is analyzed the characteristics and the main problems of the human resources area along the company's cycle of life. Nowadays, REDUR is in the growth stage. The work shows that the human resources management goes becoming more formal and that formation and selection are the most important practices. Exactly, in which refers to these practices, they use graphology, as technique to select personal, and they consider especially important the socialization. The reason can be that businesses in growth emphasize person-organization fit.
How to Cite
Delgado Piña, M. I., Gómez Martínez, L., Romero Martínez, A. M., & Vázquez Inchausti, E. (2018). How do entrepreneurial firms manage human resources? The REDUR case. Cuadernos De Gestión, 7(1), 51–64.
Familiar businesses, entrepreneurship, human resource management and cycle of life
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WILLIAMSON, I. O. (2000): «Employer legitimacy and recruitment success in small businesses». Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, vol. 25, pp. 27-42.
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