Strategic marketing management in the small family firm
Josefa D. Martín Santana
María Katiuska Cabrera Suárez
This work has as its main goal to analyze the importance that the small family firm give to the different dimensions of the strategic management of marketing in terms of several demographic features and the generational evolution. With this aim, a quantitative study has been developed where the predecessors and the successors of a sample of family firms have been personally interviewed. The results show that there are two groups of firms with different approaches to marketing in its strategic dimension. Also, there are certain differences in the role of the strategic marketing in terms of the legal form, age, size generational evolution of the firms, and it's effects on business results.
How to Cite
Martín Santana, J. D., & Cabrera Suárez, M. K. (2007). Strategic marketing management in the small family firm. Cuadernos De Gestión, 7(1), 85–100.
Strategic marketing, family business, generations
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Chrisman, J.; Chua, J. y Sharma, P. (2005). Trends and directions in the development of a strategic management theory of the family firm. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, September, 555-575.
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McCann, J.; León-Guerrero, A. y Haley, J. (2001). Strategic goals and practices of innovative family businesses. Journal of Small Business Management, 39, 50-59.
Miller, N.; McLeod, H. and Oh, K.Y. (2001). Managing family businesses in small communities. Journal of Small Business Management, 39, 73-87.
Morck, R. y Yeung, B. (2004). Family control and the rent seeking society. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 28, 391-409.
Neubauer, F., & Lank, A.G. (1998). The Family Business: Its Governance for Sustainability. London: McMillan Press LTD.
Nooteboom, B. (1994). Innovation and diffusion in small firms: Theory and evidence. Small Business Economics, 6, 327-347.
Poutziouris, P. (2003). The strategic orientation of owner-managers of small ventures. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 9, 185-214.
Teal, E.; Upton, N. y Seaman, S. (2003). A comparative analysis of strategic marketing practices of high-growth U.S. family and non-family firms. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 8, 177-195.
Sharma, P.; Chrisman, J. y Chua, J. (1997). Strategic management of the family business.: Past research and future challenges. Family Business Review, X, 1-35.
Smeltzer, L.; Fann, G. y Nikolaisen, V. (1988). Environmental scanning practices in small business. Journal of Small Business Management, 26, 55-62.
Verhees, F. y Meulenberg, M. (2004). Market orientation, innovativeness, product innovation, and performance in small firms. Journal of Small Business Management, 42, 134-154.
Wind, Y. y Robertson, T. (1983). Marketing strategy: New directions for theory and research. Journal of Marketing, 47, 12-25.
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