Analysis of the strategies that are taken and spread by hotel chains
Hotel chains do face important challenges nowadays. On one side the complexity of the environment in which the hospitality industry evolves, demands to define, develop and manage its strategies in order to guarantee its survival. On top of it, the market is increasingly demanding fluid information for a proper knowledge of the strategies and corporate long-term expectations of these companies. Therefore this task has a double contribution.
Firstly, we analysed strategic information disclosed in annual reports of some leading hotel chains, and grouped them following the model of balanced scorecard. Secondly, and as we often encounter criticism as to the absence of this type of information in annual reports, we took a sample of 102 hotel chains and questioned them about which strategies are being developed, the need, convenience and conditions related to the disclosure of strategic information, as well as the information they are unveiling to third-parties and the source utilized.
How to Cite
Strategy, hotel chains, balanced scorecard, corporate governance
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