Corporate capability for external R&D absorption: The case of Biscay



Published 14-07-2004
Arturo Rodríguez Castellanos Jon Landeta Rodríguez


The present work aims at the diagnosis of the capacities of firms from Biscay/Spain to absorb results of R+D generated by universities and other research centres. First of all, in order to identify core characteristics of firms linked to the above mentioned capacity of absorbing results from R+D, an examination of the current theoretical and empirical literature on this issue has been carried out.
The work continues with analysing the impact of those characteristic by means of two random samples: One about 26 firms characterized by their advanced management methods; another deals with firms with more than 10 employees. Finally, those characteristics are identified where firms from Biscay appears satisfactorily capacitated for absorbing external results of R+D and those, that ought to be enhanced because they still have not reached levels satisfactory.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Castellanos, A., & Landeta Rodríguez, J. (2004). Corporate capability for external R&D absorption: The case of Biscay. Cuadernos De Gestión, 4(1), 11–34.
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Research and Development (R D), innovation, R D absorption, university-firm relations

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